About Lata Ramesh

  • Email: lata@thehealinggym.com
  • Address: Campbell, California, United States
  • Certifications: Workshop Leader License
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehealinggym/
  • Twitter:
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sacredhealinggym/

I am a Clinical and Medical Hypnotherapist and a Licensed Heal Your Life Teacher and Workshop Leader.

Our sub conscious mind has a deep role in every word we speak, all of our actions and behaviours.

Many many years back I had a back surgery and during the following years I came to the realisation that much of my physical issues including pain is connected with my thought processes and emotions. In time I learnt techniques and ways to help my Physical, Mental, emotional and Spiritual wellness just through the pathway of affirmations, guided visualisations and rectifying unhelpful beliefs. Feeding the mind the right food is so important to have a healthy relationship with yourself, the world and in generally with life.

I have been heavily influenced by ‘Louise Hay’s’ philosophy as well my Spiritual Teacher’s teachings.The biggest aspect of all of these teachings is our innate need to open up our heart and allow for the free passage of love- both the giving and receiving.

It has been my passion to share my experience and my learnings with the larger community so that others too benefit the way I have. I did my HYL training at Tampa in November last year and now am launching my HYL workshops. So excited and happy to share this with anyone who is interested.

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