Acerca de Sandra J Filer

  • Correo electrónico:
  • Dirección: Bradenton, Florida, Estados Unidos
  • Certificaciones: Workshop Leader License, Life Coach License, Teen Playshop License
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Después de pasar más de 20 años en el mundo de la empresa, enseñando, formando, orientando y dirigiendo equipos, di un salto de fe y abandoné la escalera del éxito empresarial para crear mi propia empresa. Justo antes de hacer este gran cambio en mi vida profesional, mi vida personal había pasado por un trastorno completo. A la edad de 37 años, me encontré con un segundo divorcio y sola en un nuevo estado: Texas. Nos habíamos mudado a Texas desde Michigan para "cambiar nuestras vidas" y, desde luego, la mía lo hizo. Poco después de esta experiencia vital, encontré el libro de Louise Hay, Usted puede curar su vida I studied this book; as well as, other books by Hay House authors and began to implement the teachings into my life. Soon, I began to see the affirmations and visualization practices working in my life. I could see my life being healed. In 2016, I became the East Coast Teacher Trainer and in 2018 added Coach Trainer to my credentials.  In 2023, I returned to focus on coaching and workshops versus leading trainings! (Other than the Self-emPOWERment for Teens Training).

My speciality is working with creatives! In addition to the above, I am a happy, joy-filled, passionate teacher honored to be of service in this capacity to help effect change in others lives through Louise’s philosophies. I share my life with Mr. Kim Coffman and two fabulous felines: Listado and Fralize.  Visit my website to learn more about coaching, workshops, and my other magical offerings. These programs are life-changing! And I have two spots open for new life coaching clients!

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Grupos de estudio HYL
