What will you gain by attending a Heal Your Life® workshop?
The foundation of Louise Hay’s philosophy is learning to love and approve of yourself.
Step #1 – Stop all criticism! Easy to say, not so easy to do! You will learn how in a workshop
with life-changing techniques.
Learn to create and use affirmations effectively to enable real change in all areas of your life.
Replace negative thoughts and beliefs with positive affirmations. Affirmations are powerful
statements that reflect the reality you desire. Repeat them regularly to reprogram your
subconscious mind and align your thoughts with abundance, joy, and success.
Meditating that will take you deep within to find the answers you’ve been searching for.
Use the power of visualization to create a clear mental picture of what you desire to
Trust your intuition and learn to take inspired action steps. Each action you take opens up
new pathways and reveals further possibilities.
Release any past hurts, resentments, or limiting beliefs that hold you back. Forgiveness,
both towards others and yourself, allows you to create space for new opportunities and
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