About Angeliki Hadjiloizou

  • Correio eletrónico: angela.hadzou@gmail.com
  • Endereço: Nicósia, Nicósia, Chipre
  • Certificações: Workshop Leader License, Life Coach License, Teen Playshop License
  • Facebook: facebook.com/angela.hadzou
  • Twitter: twitter.com/angelahadzou
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelahadzou/

Having experienced the transformational benefits of Louise Hay’s work on my life, I am now dedicated to empowering others, by helping them discover their own magnificence.

Learning and teaching have always been my passion.  I delved into self-development books while studying in the USA years ago.  Even in those early days, I strove to share what I had learned and tried to inspire, motivate, and comfort others who were facing difficult life situations.

I was fortunate enough to grow up in a very loving family.  My parents always expressed their love; guided me, believed in me, and taught me a CAN DO approach!

However, I ‘chose’ a challenging spouse and remained in a troubled marriage for 30 years.  Limiting beliefs were engraved in me at that time.   I was being constantly criticized and told that I was not good enough. Throughout that turbulent time, I was searching to find a way to face my daily challenges.

This search led to Louise Hay and other inspirational teachers.   The knowledge of principles such as “we don’t grow when things are easy, but we grow when there are challenges”, “the wrong people will always teach you the right lessons”, and that “we are 100 % responsible for our life and our experiences”, were the main tools that helped me become somewhat detached with my reality.

After going through a traumatic divorce, I realized that it was indeed a gift- an opportunity to forgive the past, and to begin experiencing unconditional love.

Through Louise Hay’s work, positive affirmations, mirror work, as well as EFT, visualization and studying and understanding the laws of the universe, I was able to break the chains of the past.  And I did it.

The knowledge that the quality of my life today depends on what memories I choose to hold on to, has led me to the path of forgiveness.  I battled with this concept for a while, holding on to anger and resentment, but I knew that if I wanted to move on with life I had to FORGIVE!!

Now, I am increasingly overwhelmed with feelings of freedom, exhilaration, joy, love, creativity and I am eager to share this knowledge with those who are ready to embark on this journey with me.

As I continue to grow, I affirm to the Universe that I will impact my community, by teaching Louise Hay’s tried and tested techniques.   I aspire to help people learn to love themselves, understand how incredibly wonderful they are, appreciate their inner wisdom and strength, restore the balance and harmony within and become the best loving versions of themselves!

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