Based in Canberra, Australia I have enjoyed the journey of transformation through many modalities from spiritual teachers to personal development leaders over the last 30 years and have a passion for helping people grow in their life journey.  Having been to many classes, workshops, seminars and read countless books, I have a wealth of knowledge to share with others which I love doing.  One of the most transformational tools I came across was the Louise Hay work which has profoundly shaped the way I think and the way I live.
Bringing these workshops and tools to others by facilitating the materials is an honor and pleasure to do so to help others heal in their person journeys.  We have had wonderful experiences in my workshops with amazing testimonials creating bonds and relationships with so many wonderful transformations. There is usually a sense of sadness when the workshop is over as people love the environment created and don’t want to leave haha….
As a wife, mother and happy grandma I find the greatest joy is to be around family. They bring so much love into my world.   Most of my adult journey I have been self employed moving from various businesses starting from traditional bricks and mortar business to colour consulting to party plan and now running an digital courses and programs business inspiring women to become the best of themselves.
I have an insatiable hunger to understand the nature of reality, the quantum world and how we can master our minds to live a life of purpose, meaning, abundance and joy.  I engage in personal development and meditation on a consistent basis. I strive daily to reach a new level of happiness, self love and peace of mind.